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Raising Playful Tots is an Internet radio or Podcast available 24hrs a day . Host: Melitsa Avila of Play Activities. Download each episode yourself visit each show notes to do this or have iTunes do this automatically for you.
Week 28th March 2010: How to have a successful child at school….with Dr R. Golinkoff professor and multiple author including Einstein never used flashcards shares her experience of Play for social and emotional growth, negotiation and raising a successful child at school.
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Stopping by from WW. Can’t wait to see what this one is all about.
.-= Virginia from Lady V dZine´s last blog ..EtsyMom Spring Gift Guide =-.
I don’t know what this photo is all about but it looks an awful lot like my own living room with green plastic grass everywhere and a toddler only making it worse, and useless to pick it up at least for a week.
Happy WW!
You guessed it 🙂