I’m really excited to share with you the Simple Parenting and Play Planner as a brand new way to have your space and a place for taking action on your family haven.
What is the Simple Parenting and Play Planner?
- Place for parents to catch their dreams, values and ideas and gently lay them out, evaluate and make them happen.
- Space to focus on the things that matter in YOUR family. Set your agendas. Discard the rest.
- Guardian of what you hold clear and dear in your family. Your play intentions, your family intention and you.
- Opportunity to get ourselves, our spouse, our fun back on track after the shifts and changes of motherhood.
There’s this mismatch between what we do and what we want to do.
For whatever reason
- we didn’t get to do that play activity we wanted to do.
- we want to have better conversations about the school day or do that seasonal activity but we were too late ordering the parts or getting the time off to go.
We wish parenting was easier like menu planning that we can pick our best loved recipes and choices and use them over again. The thing about menu planning is when it works well it’s usually because we planned.
Meal times are more relaxed and calmer. But we don’t do this type of planning for play and creating the family haven we want.
Spend a moment in your Simple Parenting and Simple Play Planner– picking one area so we don’t go into overwhelm and use this focus to work on feeling happier about your parenting and play.
You don’t have to plan the life out of things. You’re always able to free flow, simplify, fly by the seat of your pants. Those things don’t change about you. The Simple Parenting and Play planner works with your family- is used in your family regularly.
This is a simple, intentional way to connect with your ideas, values, rhythms and routines on a regular basis without feeling guilty.
On Monday 31st March, we start the Simple Parenting and Play Planner- on tour!
This is cool for you as this 51 page planner will be visiting 10 blogs where you’ll learn a little bit more about the planner AND have a chance to win a copy.
So not just one copy but 10 chances.
Here’s how it works……
Check out the list below for each of the stops. Visit each blog and enter into the giveaway.
Monday 31 March My Healthy Beginning
Tuesday 1 April The Mom Writes
Wednesday 2 April RainyDay Mum
Thursday 3 April Megan Flatt
Friday 4 April Pickle Bums
Saturday 5th April Bliss Beyond Naptime
Monday 7 April A Free Spirit Life
Tuesday 8 April Simple Kids**Today**
Wednesday 9 April Mama Scouts
Thursday 10 April Plannerisms
Friday 11 April Raising Playful Tots
I’ll be updating the posts here on Facebook and Instagram so be sure to follow me there.
If you’re curious to find out more about the planner you can check out Simple Parenting and Play Planner
Good luck!
Such a fantastic resource for parents. I love how it makes me reflect as well as giving suggestions of where I can find ideas
Melitsa-thanks for pulling this together. I am loving the comments that are coming in, so fun to watch mama’s get excited and begin to create with their families!