Welcome to the September Raising Playful Tots Index !
Are you a new mum looking for play ideas? Work in childcare and want some resources to share with your colleagues and parents about making play fun? Run a mother and toddler group and looking for suggestions? Looking to make some changes in your play lifestyle gradually from people who have been there before you? An Early years educator who is just excited about play? Grandparent with children coming to stay? Parent curious about….*delete appropriate Montessori/ structured together activities/Waldorf Steiner/ preschool/Literacy activities/unplugged/outdoor play etc and more and want to learn from the experts?
Then stop now pull up a chair and you are in for a treat. You have come to the right place!
The RPTI is one such one-stop shop.
Complied in one place are bloggers who love Play. They promote Early childhood play with a variety of play activities and inspirational ideas for our under 8 children in one place.
Whether you are looking for new ideas, inspiration, things to do , babysitting tonight and need a helping hand, pop on over to the RPTI and enjoy the exciting play activities by parents and educators.
You will have a full play folder with a range of play activities from specialist to generalist. Waldorf play inspired to homeschooled, baby, toddler, preschool and School activities for you to dip into depending on what you are looking for.
New to the Index and would like to know more?
About Raising Playful Tots Index |FAQs | Previous RPT Indexes
If you appear in this Top 100 list then feel free to take your badge from the sidebar to proudly display on your blog.
We had a lot of new entries this quarter pushing the play list to well over 150 blogs. There has also been a lot of movement in the list. This quarter is based on 01 June to 31 August. This period is typically a slower period for many due to school holidays and children home. Posting was a lot lighter this period- I wonder why? 🙂
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Not listed here and want to be included in the next index?
Add your name here. If this link is not working then please leave the your blog url in the comments and we will add your blog to our list to calculate next time!
Have a question?
Please leave it here
………..Now you have hours and hours of play activities to try. Your play folder has only just begun.
This Index is brought to you by Melitsa and Nicole
Melitsa Avila is a stay at home mum raising three full of fun boys in various countries as a military mum. She shares her thoughts and ideas on keeping Early years playtime fun for both parents and children through her websites and podcast.
Nicole Avery: As a mother of five gorgeous kids ranging from 11years to one year old, I have figured out a few tricks, processes and plans that have helped make our daily life easier. Through my blog I share my ideas on how to streamline the repetitive tasks in family life, so you have more time for fun the parts like playing, getting out and about or just quietly enjoying each others company.
Once again a fabulous list of great blogs. I am so proud to be included!
RT @playactivities: The Sept Raising Playful Tots index is out https://raisingplayfultots.com/rptindex/s… #ece With the UK at no.3 @playbythebook – congrats!
Another wonderful list…thank you for including me!!
Hi, I tried to add the raising playful tots badge to my blog today but kept getting an error code each time I tried…am I doing some thing wrong?
I have downloaded lots of the archives now and I LOVE your show – it’s the perfect dishwashing companion!
Hope the badge is working now. Sometimes it doesn’t then does work.
I’ll email you some other directions.
Thanks for including my little site! I was wondering if you could simplify my site name to Sparkling Adventures … Sometimes we’re Sparking Adventures in Australia, other times we’re The Sparkling Adventures of 4 girls, sometimes we’re just-plain Sparkling Adventures.
(Apologies if *I* filled out the form incorrectly in the first place… sometimes I’m too enthusiastic and verbose and go on and on when I don’t really need to.)
Done- Lauren 🙂
Wow, you’re prompt! Great service — do you offer free refills too?
I’m SOOOO excited about being included in the list! Thank you so much. SUCH a great list of blogs!
Thank you so much for including me in a list of blogs I love! What great company!
Thanks so much for including me! Any idea when the Dec. index will be up?
Funny you should ask. I’m working on the kinks right now. Soon 🙂 Thanks for asking.