When you are fascinated with cars the opportunity to sit in your very own and go round and round is just the best thing ever!
Friday Finds is the place to unwind, grab yourself a comfy chair and reflect on your past week then plan for the upcoming one.
With a little something to make you think, for them to do and for us to listen or watch……. We are putting ideas into action. Challenging ourselves to do a little differently. Be inspired.
Link up your posts that fit one of these categories.
Enjoy your weekend!
Goodness for the mind: The Need For Verbs :: Little Stories
Activities for the body: Outdoor Line Hunt and Walking on the Line :: Living Montessori Now
Goodness for the eyes and ears: “Fixing” Autism :: Lou’s Land
This week on Raising Playful Tots podcast:: Unschoolers
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Thanks so much for including my post! Have a great week! 🙂