[tag]Practical Preschool magazine[/tag] have published their annual awards. The 2008 awards…” identify and reward excellence in educational equipment, childcare, books and toys. All products reviewed are suitable for children from birth to eight years old for use in professional childcare and educational settings. These include: private and state nurseries, pre-schools, playgroups, childminding settings, infant schools and after-school clubs.”
Source: https://www.practicalpreschool.com/magazine/awards.shtml
Gold award winner: Journey from Grandpa’s story sack.
In this sack: Cloth sack, Fiction storybook and CD, Non-fiction book, Parent guide and prompt, Fabric Playmat and 9 plush pieces of transport, Spaghetti Junction game.
All items are available separately.
The [tag]storysack[/tag] concept is an innovative one. To combine multiple aspects ( role play, story, music, book and toys) in a themed set along with a parental guide makes choosing and using familiar and new stories even more exciting.
I like Kaplan’s “storysacks.” They seem like they are similar to the UK version….what do you think? They have activity ideas, puppets/plush toys…wish they had a play mat. That would be great for infants/toddlers.
there’s an award waiting for you at my blog!!
johanna’s last blog post..My first award!!
@Michelle- You’re right. They do look similar. Not seen that site before. Thanks for sharing.