How are you getting on with your New Year resolutions?Try these 11 resolutions to start you thinking about play in 2011.
1. Stop and think do they really need that new toy or gadget? Marketing and peer pressure aside how will it really benefit my child? Sometimes they will and sometimes it won’t.
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2. Stop and play with the kids each day. Schedule it, mark it on the calendar do whatever it takes. One on one with each child with them directing the show. Start with moments and build up your stamina. It’ll be worth it.
3. Find like minded friends and grow together.
4. Read about play and share with your friends
5. Allow the kids freedom to imagine, create and be totally bored. Turn off screens and substitute with things your family will love, grow to love or will at least experience together. Trial and error is a great teacher.
6. Ask the children what is their favourite things to do with the family and do it more often
7. Find a rhythm for your family of clubs, activities, freetime, downtime that allows everyone to benefit from the richness that each brings.
8. Let them have experiences that leave them in awe, surprised, dirty, singing, shocked and determined. Childhood is richer if there are many elements to it that are unpredictable.
9.Share and swap games, toys and ideas with friends and neighbours. You’ll find out new places to visit and things to do when you actively talk about play.
10. Have playdates that promote physical exercise: out in the garden- whatever the weather, change of clothes would not be too difficult; time in a local park; going for a walk/hike riding bikes. Resist activities that solely mean you staying stationary for the entire playdate
11. Comment or give back to your playmates who inspire you to keep on playing
I love your tips for KEEPING that parenting resolution to play more often. Last year on my blog at LeapFrog, I vowed to be more present. This year, I am striving for patience. I shared on twitter and on my Naturally Educational facebook page.
Thanks for sharing. Patience……I totally get that. Slowing down enough to let them get things done as well as my patience with them.
A couple of years ago I started going to the football field and playing for half an hour with my son (and his mates who got into the habit of turning up) every summers evening. I got much fitter and avoided going to the gym which I hate. This time of year we only go at weekends but, I still feel the benefit and we have some great Father/son time.
@playactivities @Childhood101 @tessasdad Kids…playing?! Ridiculous…they should be home studying for their Pre-K exams!