I was reading I never grew up and was inspired by their guest poster.
Angelina from The Little Travelers will be making [tag]52 meals[/tag] from 52 countries. I loved seeing her kids participate, although older than mine, plus a neat way to include the Geographical & cultural element in a fun and meaningful way.
Imagine all the things you could talk about, that would come up naturally as you decide which country? Where is it? Who makes this food? what does it look like? What a perfect way to talk about diversity and food.
We learn about the world around us by being active participants. If you look at your meals for the week do you see diversity? The routines and things we do with our family make it our family way. Whether you pray over your food or wait for everyone to be seated to start. Have milk or water at the table, have salad with every meal, always have soup first… Go somewhere else and see how even though you didn’t teach it your kids are surprised with the differences.
If your staple diet is beans and rice as a child you probably think everyone eats this. Just changing one meal will give you an opportunity to talk about how other people eat and live. An important message in our diverse culture to accept difference and embrace them.
Giving the right toys and play experiences is paramount to our children but so is the slow drip drip feed of diversity. Whether you live in a monocultural neighbourhood, your friends tend to be of one race or you live in a multi racial city or town- set out with food and learn together as a family.
Try these for more inspiration
Food Adventures: Introducing Your Child to Flavors from Around the World
Kids Around the World Cook!: The Best Foods and Recipes from Many Lands
1,000 Classic Recipes From Around the World
This is a GREAT idea. Can’t wait until my son is old enough to do this. Since our travel budget is mostly axed, it will be fun for my husband and I to “travel” a bit too!
Kara’s last blog post..It’s Snowtime!
Good way to look at it Kara. I’ll be posting more about what we’ve eaten so far soon. Hope you get to join in soon. Thanks for posting.