When did you start your [tag]play[/tag] activities with your children? Was it when they were starting to get into everything you looked online and started searching for activities……around 18 months when the toys are just not cutting it anymore?
I hope you said earlier because play activities start from the beginning. Although they seem to just eat, sleep, poop and cry this is the perfect time to bond with your baby with play activities. No not getting out the pencils or scissors to craft or expecting them to hop or jump.
Sing [tag]songs[/tag]– Go for the old favourites like Twinkle. But learn new lullabies and make up songs using the tune of a familiar song. It really doesn’t matter at this stage. Hold your snugly bundle of joy against your chest and humm or sing softly. Even when they are wailing the vibration of your voice and beat of your heartbeat will be a comfort. It does feel ridiculous holding a crying baby and singing softly but it can work.
Objects: They are big sensory seekers. Everything goes to their mouth. They need to be safe but let them explore various [tag]natural objects[/tag]. Start your [tag]treasure basket[/tag]. Talk to them about what they are experiencing using gestures the more you talk & gestures about the object science tells us the better it is for their future development. [tag]Playtime[/tag] whilst you change their nappy or tummy time or floor time.
Read: Continue the reading habit with big board books.
A new baby is a steep learning curve for everyone. With tiredness and feeling overwhelmed one of the best things we can do to support new mums is to encourage them to play and sing with their little one. Lifting everyone’s spirits.
They don’t stay little for long and soon they are moving and reaching.
If you are a new mum with a brand new baby some other blogs I would recommend
[tag]Tot School[/tag] isn’t really school at all! Don’t let the name confuse you! Tot School is basically a focused time each day on the tot in your family.
I came across this blog during Operation Playtime and love all the activities aimed between the ages of 1 and a half to preK. You can join in yourself with the latest post
[tag]Becausebabiesgrowup[/tag] is another great blog with focus on the little ones. Each day Amber talks about a play activity or something to get you thinking. Here she’s talks about her favourite posts so far.
These two are my current favourites because the activities are fun and appropriate for the little ones.
Good play activities are easily adapted to suit your developing child and are developmentally appropriate…. you can’t go far wrong with singing.
What are baby blogs do you like or would recommend? What baby play activities do you want to know more about? Share your ideas of ones you love below..
Looking for more ideas or a shower gift:
The Rookie Mom’s Handbook: 250 Activities to Do with (andWithout!) Your Baby
I just found Tot School, too. I love her ideas on games and organization. Toys often overtake my living room! I’m so glad you emphasized the things we do with babies that are play activities: singing, talking about everything, introducing objects. All these things are fun and easy ways to engage with your baby. Thanks for sharing! And thanks for including Because Babies Grow Up in your list.
Amber @ BecauseBabiesGrowUp’s last blog post..Physical Friday: A Cut Above
Well what a nice surprise! I have your blog in my blog reader and glanced through and there was the Tot School button! Thanks so much for including us in your post, I am off to look at the other links you priovided!
Thanks again~ Carisa
Carisa’s last blog post..Tot School