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Find out tomorrow the story behind my [tag]Wordless Wednesday[/tag] photo.
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[…] « The sky is falling […]
Oh my! I hope that is not hail! Maybe it is just a snowball that you kept frozen in your freezer!
Danielle’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday: Ian and The Rug
That scares me just a little bit.
Julie@Momspective’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday – This is Creepy
Wow! Is that hail? I’ve never seen them that big.
Oh no! Looks like a pretty big chunk of sky, lol!
Staci A’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday: Berry Picking
Wow that’s a big hail ball.
That thing is huge!
Frugal Fritzie’s last blog post..Parents Free 2-Year Magazine Subscription