Who has inspired you to try a play activity recently?
Do you read other play blogs? Share your favourite must read blogs.
I’m loving two British Blogs right now: The Madhouse and NurtureStore.
I love blogs about play that feature a variety of play activities. There is the argument, I guess , that if you are a generalist of everything then you are great at nothing! But I really enjoy giving a taste of things to my boys. There are plenty of blogs that write on ONE aspect of play that I read and follow as well. There is something about seeing another parent struggle with things but the children love it that I feel drawn to. After all play isn’t just about us but stepping out of our comfort zone to give them many different experiences. Both blogs are really candid about their outcomes, struggles and share their joy through clear photographs and explanations.
I feel they experience play with their little ones.
Now it’s your turn to share………..
Raising Playful Tots is an Internet radio or Podcast available 24hrs a day . Host: Melitsa Avila of Play Activities. Download each episode yourself visit each show notes to do this or have iTunes do this automatically for you.
Week 31st Jan 2010: Imaginary play. What do you do? How do you introduce it ? and how do you keep it fresh and exciting? Stef Green of Stefstation.com shares some novel ideas that work. She gives listeners a special early bird or should I say early owl offer. Listen to the show to find out about this special gift.
Keep up to date with new show by signing up for the newsletter. When you sign up for the newsletter you get a free 11 page special report 10 ways to extend your child’s play. New show on Wednesday!
Thank you very much for the compliment and link, it means a lot when people I have come to respect recomend my site. I too love the things Cathy does at Nurturestore
.-= The Mad House´s last blog ..Meal Plan Monday and More Frugal Food =-.
My friend, Heidi Farmer’s blog is great – https://thegoodstuffguide.com. Today she has a post on snow day activities which has a few from my blog and a lot of other ideas. Worth a read for sure!
Thanks Melissa. Great suggestions. After all this snow I think we all need a more ideas. I for one would love the reading book fort just for me lol
Thank you so very much for your generous words and the link to Nurturestore. I know we both agree that play is so important for children – its great to link with blogs like yours to share ideas and inspiration.
.-= Cathy at nurturestore´s last blog ..Chinese lantern scissor skills =-.