Sometimes we need a good chuckle and help with surviving the ins and outs of parenting.
Each week I have a lovely time reading through the parenting articles you all post. It’s always hard to choose a few posts to highlight.
The two this week follow the theme of Survival.
The Positive Parenting Connection starts us imagining the coming holiday season and sharing some great points to help us stay calm and survive those comments family bring. You know all the well meaning advice. So before we meet up- let’s read up and keep the end in mind.
If that all gets too much and you need some relief from the advice go on over to Wives Tales and Bad Parenting Advice and smile along with the ideas there and add your own.
Would love you to pop on over to both these parenting posts and have a read.
In the meantime, link up your parenting articles below. If you’re mentioned below feel free to grab your featured button from the sidebar.
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Thanks for posting. They provided a wonderful break on a busy Monday.