Maggy Woodley of Red Ted Art shares her brilliant work; how she manages crafts and activities with toddlers; bespoke art plus her crafty posts in this 26 minute podcast.
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Show notes
00:00 Introduction and Welcome
02:30 Introduction and interview with Maggy of Red Ted
Toddlers and crafts
19:20 Kari of
ARTICLE Why myths of brightness need to be left in the shade
Source: The TES on 1 October, 2010 Professors Guy Claxton and Bill Lucas
” ..we see intelligence as a fixed-sized pot of general-purpose mental resource, we are led to think of teaching as an activity that exploits this intelligence.”
” 2. Intelligence is expandable
Many of these mental habits are strengthened – or weakened – by experience. Real-world intelligence is, to a sizable extent, learnable. The focus on identifying students’ “ability” levels – “Ruby is an able student”, “Zack is average”- is giving way to a focus on the expandability of their learning power. In pioneering work with youngsters in the US, Carol Dweck, Lauren Resnick and others have shown how children who believe they can get smarter do so. They are more willing to experiment, make errors, try hard and extract every ounce of learning from their experiences. The implications for the way teachers think, talk and write about students are huge. If we talk as if intelligence were fixed, and praise kids for their ability rather than their effort, we are breeding anxious, conservative performers, keen to show how “bright” they are. If we talk as if minds were like muscles that can be strengthened, pupils will be more resilient and adventurous – and the research shows they get better results, too.”
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RT @playactivities: Who is @redtedart? Lovely interview with Maggy on Raising Playful Tots this week… #art #ece