Happy Earth day!
Happy coincidence that this is the 22nd show on the 22nd day of the month! We’re celebrating Earth day with a project and bucketful of play activities and ideas.
If you want to know what that is you need to go : https://play-activities.com/blog/earth-day-family-project/ or listen to this weeks show by clicking the large triangle below the photographs.:)
Links in the show:
Allie of NoTimeForFlashcards.com | Amber of Becausebabiesgrowup.com| Simple as That: Connect With Nature in an Hour a Day – A Green Hour Giveaway
Teach mama: quick trick: the power of positive talk |Imagine childhood: ... giveaway forum: earth day! | ABCand123: Earth Day
[New Show] Raising Playful Tots show #22 Earth day Activities and projects for families – via @twitoaster https://raisingplayfultots.com/uncategori…