Don’t forget to enter the book contest. Click here to go there now- Running Monday 15th February to Sunday 21st February 2010.
My LO loves repeating things over and over again. Something about this stage that can drive you potty or not, I think. I watched him pull out the wipes today and try to put them back, 3 times in quick succession before I could get to him and the wipes. Then later put a block into a box and out again. Filling the box with whatever he could find. His latest thing is staying with me in the kitchen and stacking tin cans now he’s mastered swinging the door open in the larder. He’s up to 3 cans on top of each other as well as pushing them onto the countertop at record speed.
These activities make me smile.
They are also easily overlooked.
He’s playing.
His most exciting thing of the day is what happens next.
Although the same thing happens. He wants to pull out and put in then walk off.
We had some fun with it.
I used sing song voice and said, “Pull out”. When he was……….pulling. I thought put back in was too much so we went for, “Push” to signal put back in.
Taking the towels out of the drier by myself………………..30seconds tops!
Quicker YES! Easier YES! Missed an opportunity YES!
Taking the towels out and in, out and in with the LO………………………..3+ minutes.
What did I get for my trouble?
- Smiles
- Excitement
- He attempted to imitate my words and gestures
- He was attempting to anticipate. He’d wait for me, looking at me and pausing before he pulled or pushed. Next time I may mix it up but this time I didn’t think to do that.
Turn a simple chore into a play activity. You just have to see the opportunity.
What other play activities constructed or spontaneous have you done for push and pull ?
How do you cope with chores with your helpful toddler?
Chores vs play activity? When you’re 18mtns they’re all the same… what do you do?
@playactivities Post about outdoor playgroups today…