There’s something about going on a trip that makes kids so excited.
Have you been on a trip recently with the kids?
OK for us there’s a lot of packing, organising and then the decisions about lunch. Have you ever just said to your little guys, we’re going on a trip what do you think we should bring? This is what my two said.
lots of money.
coat if it’s cold ( It’s 75 right now with a forecast of 90 for the high)
water bottle with lots of ice. I like ice.
book for the journey
Oreos ( Newest lastest cookie addiction)
My action man ( random assortment of play figures)
Can I sit next to BG? ( sour look from BG)
We were pretty impressed with their list. Next we asked what we should do to prepare.
Go shopping. Buy lots of food like Oreos
Bring fun stuff
What will you do while we drive?
….play with our toys.
It was interesting to stop for a moment and ask the kids about the upcoming trip. We hoped it would better prepare them for the journey. It actually wasn’t a far trip, less than 45 minutes to get there. But just talking through things helped them feel like they were part of things. They could be responsible. They got their backpacks and filled them with car ideas much like these car ideas. We filled their bags with healthy snacks……….oh ok they had a some Oreos in there too.
We played, rode the train, looked into the mini houses,
bypassed the gift shop and hurried home out of the rain.
While it was hard work getting everyone ready for a trip. We’re hoping that a little talking and a little thinking will mean that eventually they will be able to pack for themselves for journeys. Play Activities come in all shapes and sizes. One that’s all too neglected is social responsibility and being able to manage ourselves. A little talking and discussion make all the difference.
Trips to see places are great enriching activities and gives children the chance to ask questions and be challenged. Our little ones were fascinated with the roofs on the houses. It was probably the first time they could be this close to something like that. They get to make comparisons with known things and use their imagination. The MO decided he was going to be a huge giant like The Spiffiest Giant in Town. He remember the book. The giant in there was taller than the shops and building just like how he felt. He was making connections with what he’d read with what he could see. The world around him is not such an unusual place. I would never have remembered that link from a book we read but they did. How much more can we link to and discover if we care to go on more journeys?
All of those things seem like very necessary items, and not unlike the ones we would pack. Our best trip over the summer was to the Georgetown Train. We’d been there before and it ends up being not too long and a family favorite.
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