Welcome KMGH-TV Channel 7 Denver viewers! Thanks for watching this morning and stopping by for more information about the products I featured on TV.
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Featured products
Sport Brella
At the park, beach, pool or campsite, the SKLZ Sport-Brella gives you instant protection from the sun, rain, and wind with its domed shape, side flaps and 125 SPF. Its umbrella action open mechanism allows it to be set up in just three seconds and fits the whole family. Includes top wind vents, side zippered windows for efficient airflow and additional visibility, internal pockets for gear and valuables, convenient carry bag and tethers/ground stakes for use when necessary for additional stability. $69.99, sklz.com
Thermacell Outdoor Lantern
The ThermaCELL Outdoor Insect-Repellent Lantern is the best option for keeping mosquitoes and other insects in any outdoor setting. The Patio Lantern is both a powerful insect repellent device and a functional and portable, long-lasting outdoor LED lantern, with both functions being usable separately or together. Providing a 15×15 ft mosquito-free zone, it is 98% effective (tested and used by the Department of Defense and the United States Army), making it the most effective insect repellent device on the market. It is also non-toxic, safe and non-intrusive, being DEET-free, silent, portable and odor free. Rather than a harmful toxin, ThermaCELL utilizes allethrin, an artificial version of a natural insecticide found in chrysanthemum flowers. Weighs only 13 ounces. $31.99, mosquitorepellent.com
Pottyflip is a full size, clean, safe, portable, disposable and biodegradable child potty that folds out from a palm-sized package. Easy to carry several in any purse or handbag, it is also easy to use. Just unwrap, flip open and it is ready to go. After use, fold it back up and dispose of the whole potty. No mess, no fuss. No more dirty public restroom seats or trying to find some hidden corner for a child to go to the bathroom. Also environmentally-friendly, it is fully and rapidly biodegradable. $24 for a pack of 12, pottyflipusa.com or at stores throughout North America.
The Snack-Trap is a child feeding product (designed for toddlers/kids ages 1-5) that minimizes wasted snacks and saves associated clean up time while promoting the development of self-feeding skills among infants. Consists of an attractive, colorfully imprinted, tip-resistant, handled cup that allows toddlers to grasp and hold the cup themselves with a unique, patent-pending lid with slits that allow toddlers to see and retrieve food with ease themselves but automatically closes when the toddlers remove their hand. 4.99, snacktrap.com, or at retailers throughout North America.
I’m giving away these 4 items. All as seen in the TV segment.
- Green Sport Brilla
- ThermaCELL Outdoor Insect-Repellent Lantern
- Potty Flip (2) unopened.
- Green snack trap with a dinosaur.
Four winners will be randomly chosen, each person winning one item.
To enter, leave a comment and tell me which two of these products you’d most like to win and why.
Please leave your e-mail address so I can reach you easily if you win.
For bonus entries, you can do one or more of the following – be sure to leave a separate comment for each extra entry:
- Follow me on twitter at @playactivities and tweet “@playactivities is giving away awesome outdoor products at https://tinyurl.com/2wqqazq . Enter today! “
- Subscribe to the RSS feed for play-activities.com
- Subscribe to the Play-Activities newsletter
- Subscribe to the Raising Playful Tots newsletter found here
- Post an entry on your own blog about this giveaway and link back ( trackback)
- Subscribe to Raising Playful Tots, the play activities podcast through iTunes. Come back and leave a comment here.
Contest details ( closed)
The contest will close at 11:59 p.m., MST, Friday 2nd July 2010. Four winners will be chosen using random.org. I will do my best to match the item to the person’s first or second choice, however I cannot guarantee that. If a winner does not want the assigned item, another item will not be offered, they will forfeit their win and another person will be chosen. After e-mailing the winners, they will have 48 hours to respond before I draw another name. I will publish the winners first names on my site after they have confirmed. Continental U.S. Entries only.
Disclosure: I was not paid to appear on TV or review these products. I did receive free products so I could show them during the segment. I was given the option to keep all of the products, however, I am choosing to share the love and give them away to readers. I will personally pay shipping fees to mail products to the winners.
Good luck š
Ooh, these all look like great products! My family could really use the Sport Brilla. We’re always headed to parks and outdoor concerts as well as sports events and this looks wonderful for keeping us from the sun.
My second choice would have to be the Insect-repellant Lantern.
How did you know that I’m super-sensitive to sun AND bug bites? Perfect. š
Love them all, but since I must choose, I’d happily use the potty flip and the snack trap for my 18-month-old. Both involve keeping germs at bay.
I would love to win the Green Sport Brilla, it would be nice to take with us to the lake this summer or even use it in the yard with the kid’s blow up pool
Twitter follower @SliverStorm and tweet
The Green Sport Brilla-I would love to win this for my 21 year old son Jerry. He spends a lot of time outdoors in the hot sun with friends in Eastern Idaho, especially now that he’s on Summer break from his college studies. Now, he is headed to Utah for his annual training in the Army Reserves where I’m sure it’s going to be even hotter. Skin Cancer is prevelant in our family and I am really concerned with the amount of sun he is exposed to, this Brilla would be great for him.
ThermaCELL Outdoor Insect-Repellent Lantern-There are tons of Mosquitos in Eastern Idaho, especially around water and my son loves to fish. He spends a lot of his time off from school and the reserves fishing and West Nile virus has been a big problem in Idaho.
Thanks for the chance!
Following you on twitter and tweeted.
Sorry, following @playactivities on twitter.
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Subscribed to Raising Playful Tots newsletter.
Would love to win the shelter for all the Swim Meets that we go to. Would also love to win the lantern so that we could spend more time out back and not get eaten by mosquitos.
I would love to win the Sport Brella and the Thermacell Outdoor Lantern. We spend so much time outside as a family!
the lantern and the sport brella because we don’t have little kids
ThermaCELL Outdoor Insect-Repellent Lantern is most favored by me b/c we have three kids who want to spend more time outside but can’t b/c of the mosquitoes. š
I follow Playactivities on Twitter: @onetwomany
I tweeted @onetwomany
I would love the sports brella because we live right next to the beach so we are there a lot and that would gets lots of use.
I also really like that snack cup because my daughter makes such messes that these cups keep my sanity.
I’d love to win the sport brella and the lantern! I’m not a fan of sweating during hot outdoor activities and the bugs always eat my children. These would be great to have!!!
I would enjoy either the the sport brella or the lantern. We spend alot of time outdoors and either of these would be perfect for our regular outings and camping. Thank you so much for sharing this with me Melitsa.
The sport brella – awesome! I do not like to use sunscreen on my skin or on my kids unless I have to – this would be perfect!
We’d likely use the Sport Brella and the Thermocell lantern. We do enough outdoor activities that the portal sun screen would be really nice and the mosquito repellent even nicer. š
I’d like to win the Thermocell lantern most, my second choice is the Sport Brella. I have four kids and we spend a lot of time outside during the summer so either prize would be wonderful. Thanks so much for hosting this contest!
These all look like great products. My first choice would be the ThermaCELL Outdoor Insect-Repellent Lantern and my second would be the Snack-Trap. Thanks for the giveaway.
I’d pick the Thermacell #1 and the Sportbrella #2. Great giveaway
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
I follow on twitter, lunaj1456 and I tweeted
I subscribe in google reader (Anne Jolly)
subscribe to the play activities newsletter
I’d like the Sportsbrella for soccer and beach season.
I’d like the lamp for our camping trips!
I’d most love the Sport brella or the Lantern as they’d be so useful for going on trips! Thanks for the chance into this giveaway.
I think that the Green Sport Brilla looks awesome for family camping trips and trips to the beach!
danimcgarry at hotmail dot com
I follow you on twitter @danimcgarry and I tweeted!
danimcgarry at hotmail dot com
I just subscribed to your RSS feed!
danimcgarry at hotmail dot com
I like all of them, but my two fav’s are the lantern and the umbrella. Perfect for camping.
chelsreb at aol dot com
I follow you on Twitter as bmom76 and I tweeted
chelsreb at aol dot com
My first pick would be the snack trap – what a great idea!!! No more spills! My second would be the umbrella – perfect for taking to the park or the lake! They all look like neat products though!!!
I subscribe to feeds
I would love to win the sport brella or the Thermacell Outdoor Lantern, we are going on a camping trip in a couple of weeks and then to the beach and both would be great for that thanks for the chance to win.
i follow on twitter and tweeted https://twitter.com/mrstinareynolds/status/17548752320
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Id like to win the Outdoor Lantern
Im a newsletter sub
I’d be most interested in the Themacell Outdoor Lantern because it repels insects and in the Sport-Brella because it shades you while you’re watching outdoor activities!
I subscribe to your RSS feed.
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I subscribe to the Raising Playful Tots newsletter.
I would most love to win the Snack Trap because it’s perfect for preventing spills!
My second choice is the Disposable potty because it could really come in handy for outdoor trips.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I’m following you on Twitter user lisalmg and Tweeted this giveaway. https://twitter.com/lisalmg/status/17618991284
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I subscribed to your newsletter.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
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