I love the change in seasons. Spring for its new growth but Autumn for its changes.
This was one of those spontaneous activities that just happened and changed for us during the week. Sometimes you just roll with it and take what you can.
We found it by the car, probably off the tree nearby. What does it look like to you? To us it looked like a snake. So on our way in someone would say, shh mind the snake and we’d sneak past, loudly of course because kids love the silliness of it.
I asked the boys if they wanted to paint the snake but they didn’t. Maybe it’s because each time we went past I’d ask them what colour it is now and it was always something different ( and totally over the top)
The LO toddled over and picked it up so it wasn’t our snake anymore. It was his lever to move a rock; something to chew; a sound against the road.
Each child used it to represent something else all week. We had to pass it on our way anywhere; to school; mail box or out to the car. So we passed it more than five times a day.
It was a magic stick, walking stick, telescope to see if dad was coming home….yet. It would hit a bad guy. It was a kebab stick for the BFG ( We’ve just read the BFG and they both were fascinated with how big he was compared to us. The BG especially keeps trying to find things that would work for a giant….guess he’s thinking of meeting one soon. We also had chicken kebabs that week.)
Since Autumn is about abundance and harvest we should be thankful for what we have when so many have less. We talked about what we were thankful for. It became our talking stick.
A stick can be anything you want it to be. There’s plenty of play things outside this time of year to make a nature table where you can observe and touch or hold and use like they did.
What new play things have your children found outside?
This post is part of
It did look like a snake to me as well… but I liked all the ideas you and your kids came up with.
Hope you’re having a great day, my TMT post is here
.-= Gabriel ´s last blog ..Tell me Thursdays – Me too! =-.
Too fun. My mom is a lot like you, very creative and fun for the kids!
.-= Danielle´s last blog ..Tell Me Thursday: Goggles =-.
I love how creative you all were in adapting the stick to different needs during the week. This is an area where I’m a little weak. A nature table is the perfect space to collect outdoor treasures. We have a little table outside that I think I will formally dedicate to this purpose. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my TMT post Melitsa! I must be an odd ball here because when I was looking at the picture I didn’t even see the stick at first LOL. I was looking at the rocks thinking maybe there was something in there I was supposed to see. Then I started reading & looked at the pic again and was like oh duh! lol
Anyways – great post and I love that the stick turned into so many different things. How fun!
.-= Tishia Lee´s last blog ..Tell Me Thursday =-.