Part of the fun of living in another country is you get to celebrate their holidays. It’s always been strange to me to celebrate [tag]Independence day[/tag] because being British they were gaining Independence from the British. lol But since I married an American, I’ve been celebrating Independence day for a while now. Now the kids are older it’s important to learn a little about their American history.
We started small this year.
We started with Daddy telling a story about 1776 and all that. They then pledged their allegiance to the flag.
Then we made these [tag]Independence day cookies[/tag].
I used this amazingly tasty sugar cookie recipe from Joy the baker. I added some orange zest left over from the Roasted pepper and Orange soup.
The boys painted the cookies with warmed corn syrup then sprinkled the red & blue sprinkles. I tried to drizzle icing sugar in the middle. We added stars.
We had 50 cookies to represent the 50 states. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the icing writer pen then we would have written the abbreviated names on each cookie. ( Co, Or, Fl etc) Next year.
What did you do for Independence day?
For more activities try
Patriotic crafts and activities @ABCand123learning
4th July crafts @ Totally tots
Red, White and blue @ NTFFC
I never considered how someone like you and my mom might feel about celebrating independence day! My mom has never mentioned it. I wonder if it is because she became a citizen years before I was born! What a fun tradition you have with your boys!
Danielle’s last blog post..Sunday Quotes: Freedom
I know it’s my problem. lol We watched Independence day yesterday. It’s just a matter of getting used to a new tradition for the family.