I’ve had this post in draft for a while and kept forgetting to finish it. Since it was my birthday this weekend it seems right to be a bit more reflective.
Photo credit: juleanne
Three years and 75 days ago I published my first blog post on here. I wrote about it recently and the anxiety that goes along with posts that if anyone will a) read your post and b) comment. I’m sure I’m not alone in agonizing over hitting publish with that first post.
Play Activities started off as a site that offered free play activities via a newsletter. My web designer suggested I start a blog to go with it. Being the savvy lady she is we started from the beginning with WordPress and a beautiful html site. Getting the site up and organised took a lot longer than I had anticipated. I had no idea how long this process took and how much it would cost. I kept putting off the start date because I was waiting on some big news…… Where we would be moving?
Starting a new site and moving countries I would not recommend to anyone to do at the same time. We did it but it was hard work. Not to mention stressful because Mr. Playactivities was retraining ( military) in a different state and we were moving to live with his family for a time in a new country. Lots of anxiety for everyone. So maybe it took a little longer than usual to get my stride.
2010 will be another bumper year of change. More about this another time.
In the 3 years I have been actively online so many changes have happened from the evolution of Facebook and Twitter to Vlogging, podcasting and community sites and clubs. Many friends have come and gone. Families and life changes and we go in different directions.
Highlights of the last 3 years
Posting from 2 to 3 and then for a time 5 days a week.
My first comment……………..yipee! ( Do the math!)
My first trackback | Carnival of family life
I have written 400 posts and received 1,048 comments. ( Thank you)
I have deleted 21,701 spam comments. (Thank you Akismet)
Visitors since May 2009: 33,985
My most popular post: DIY toy money with 10,890 views.
Sensory play series | Littlesheep learning
Carnival of parenting podcasts
Getting to know my readers and their blogs
My first ebook ( another one in the works)
Guest posts from talented writers
Thank you for the emails I get each week. Although I can’t answer them all I love to hear how you are using the newsletter play activities in your homes and places. There are currently over 2250 of you subscribed in over 30 countries.
Thank you so much for all your support of Play Activities.
Happy Birthday and I look forard to hearing more about this upcoming change
.-= TheMadHouse´s last blog ..Getting Maxi – Part Three Coming Home =-.
@playactivities Hello, how are you? Just wanted to touch base and say hi because it has been a while. 🙂
@paintermommy Good. Good to see you in my stream. Missed your tweets. Any news abt living arrangements?
@playactivities No news yet. Still actively looking though