Whilst looking through some blogs I love I came across a recipe for cookies.
Perfect! I had these
and a craving for cookies.
The kids were hoping for pancakes as this is what we usually do when bananas get so ripe. But today was my lucky day.
Check out the recipe here. It was quick and easy and the kids had a blast.
I substituted the chocolate chips for dried craisins and crushed hazelnuts, as that’s what I had in.
We’ve been munching them every since…….small dinner for us tonight. ( excuse the flash)
Another awesome over ripe banana recipe is banana cake with cream cheese frosting.
Cake — https://www.connectedmoms.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13758
Frosting — https://www.connectedmoms.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13762
I always throw my leftover/over ripe bananas in my freezer and then use them when I’m in the mood for cake!
You can put over ripe bananas in the freezer? That’s good to know….always feel the pressure to do something with them quickly. This changes everything. 🙂 Do you peel them and then bag’em?
Thanks for the recipe suggestion, Sommer and the frosting looks devilishly yummy.
I just throw them in the freezer, peels and all. They will turn horrendously black while they are in there, but when you’re ready to use them, you just take them out, run them under a little warm water to thaw them a bit, and then cut the end off and squeeze the banana out like a tube of toothpaste! 🙂
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