I’ve been meaning to talk about KaBoom for a long time now.
[tag]KaBOOM[/tag]! is a national non-profit organization that envisions a great place to play within walking distance of every child in America.
We know the value of play but finding a playspace isn’t always easy around America. I love the term playspace because it allows us to think more creatively about where we play. Getting outside and playing outside has changed for all of us. But kids still need to be outside exploring, creating and learning.
They have a nifty widget to help you find a play space in your area.
As well as finding a playspace you can build a playspace or join in with a local build a playspace with KaBoom’s toolkits, webinars, online training ,how to find funding information packs and much more. KaBoom has all the tools you need to start or join in a neighbourhood project for your kids. This is just great for YOU if you have few or no playspaces in your neighbourhood.
With all this talk about [tag]playspaces[/tag] I was excited to see KaBoom is planning a Play day in 19th -27th September. Whether you want to plan one or participate in one save the date.
Great post about KaBOOM! If folks are interested in play, getting kids outside, and bringing communities together — KaBOOM! is a one stop shop!
Thanks so much for blogging about us! – Bethe @balmeras