Yesterday you saw a picture on our fridge.
I have a first grader learning his high frequency words; a preschooler loving the ABC machine plus a tot who likes nothing better than taking everything off the fridge door as quickly as possible to hear them drop to the ground.
There are distinct bands of play on the fridge according to size, although the LO will pull over a chair now to get to the higher ones.
All sorts of things appear on that fridge for us too.
Today was a robot day…………….. can you see the robot? I like how they used what they had to make something completely different. Now we get all sorts of creations.
Tell us about your fridge art
Thank you for reading my Tell me Thursday story. Please find the others at Tell me Thursday.
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I didn’t see the robot until you mentioned it
I remember when my son was little and all the fun we would have playing with those magnetic alphabet letters on the fridge.
.-= Tishia Lee´s last blog ..Tell Me Thursday – My Best Friends Wedding =-.
I didn’t either until they showed me.
Team effort