Holiday times are busy times. Finding time to play and have one on one time often gets squeezed out. However, because of the season there are many things that naturally lend themselves to together times with your little one.
- Making your own advent calendar
- Decorating the tree
- Making & baking cookies
- Donating toys
- Singing carols or Christmas songs
Here’s an activity we did together. My toddler has taken on the scissors recently and is working on making deliberate cuts. He watched his older brother’s cut paste and draw project in the summer. Whenever the scissors were down he tried them. He wasn’t too interested at working at it during the summer. I knew he’d try again soon enough.
Recently he’s getting the action of opening and shutting the scissors whilst in contact with the paper whilst in the upright position without pulling the paper. Phew! there’s a lot to cutting with scissors for a toddler. I could see his fingers were sore from the effort but he was so proud.
We go through lots of paper and glue here. The toddler got the white glue bottle so out came the empty fruit snack container and q-tip to stick everything down.
This side by side activity was perfect. The toddler cut up the cartoon section of the Sunday newspaper after the older one ‘read’ it to him. The older one cut out pictures he liked from the newspaper. I got to write my Christmas cards and read the paper. We did this altogether at the table; talking about the pictures, cartoons, joining in with songs from the radio. I started off the project but they led with where it would go and when it was time to finish. Not all activities need to be completely directed or have an end in mind. My toddler and Kindergartener knew what they wanted to do. I just helped facilitate that.
There are always opportunities for play-activities with your child even during the busy holiday season. Seize the opportunities.You’ll not be disappointed.
What play-activities have you managed this holiday season?
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Hi. I’ve been out of the loop for some time and this is my first comment on your site. Nice site btw.
You always amaze me and what you’re able to accomplish. I’m very jealous. My toddler has an extremely short attention span. The most we’ve been able to do is print Christmas pictures and paint them. By #3, she was done and handing everything to me for clean up. So goes it.
Thanks for the ideas!
Mia’s last blog post..Autism Twitter Day is Coming!