Welcome to the 21st edition of [tag]Carnival of Parenting Podcasts[/tag]
It’s a place to share and find some new parenting [tag]podcasts[/tag] from the podcaster and recommendations from those who listen to podcasts.
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Top 9
Send in your favourite podcasts of the month.
- Teach me to talk. Let’s play: recommended play resources from Speech language pathologists for toddlers and preschoolers to encourage language development Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
- Half full kids: Effort not achievement Reinforce the message: We don’t care about results, we care about effort. Seriously.
- LD Podcast: Dr. Russell Barkley- ADHD Insights, Part 1 Show #105 Dr. Barkley is one of the principal investigators in the longest term study on ADHD to date known as the Milwaukee Study, following kids diagnosed with ADHD from childhood now through early adulthood
- Reading Rockets: Marc Brown is the author and illustrator of Arthur, everyone’s favorite aardvark
- Moms everywhere show: Moms Everywhere Show 023: How to teach your children about peer pressure. How old were you when you first encountered peer pressure as a young child? Dr. Lisa Medoff has written a great book, Stressed out Students Guide to Handling Peer Pressure which offers us a unique look at this topic both from the child’s perspective as well as a parent’s.
- Natural Moms Talk Radio: The CPSIA and you Jennifer Vetere, co-owner of a small, local handmade business for babies, toddlers and their moms, talks about Just What Is the CPSIA?How the act, in a nutshell, states that all objects intended for a child 12 or under to use must be “final product, component tested” for lead. She explains how this translates into costs ranging from $375 for a bib to over $600 for one of our Take-Me-Too blankets.
- Parents perspective: Kid related activities with Amy Miller, Owner Our-Kids.com
- MommyCast Show #353: Surviving Playdates! Now you’ll be able to get some things done while your child and friend play quietly together in playmate bliss. Well, hate to burst your bubble. But, not all playdates go swimmingly.
Send in your recommendations to be included in the top 10 favourite podcasts of the Month.
What’s your favourite parenting podcast?
Send in your favourite one. Podcasters submit your favourite shows. For more information see the introductory post.
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