Welcome to the 12th edition of [tag]Carnival of Parenting Podcasts[/tag]
It’s a place to share and find some new parenting [tag]podcasts[/tag] from the podcaster and recommendations from those who listen to podcasts.
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Top 10
Send in your favourite podcasts of the fortnight.
- Teens Today with Vanessa Van Petten presents an excellent round up of Best Parenting Podcasts
- They Might Be Giants‘ Family Podcast presents Arbor Day
- The Momstyle News – Week of May 8, 2008:
- Pea in the Podcast If you’re pregnant, or thinking about becoming pregnant, be sure to register to receive our weekly podcast program delivered directly to your email inbox. This way you’ll have access to our personalized week-by-week audio programs covering all 40 weeks of your pregnancy in addition to special in-depth shows on all topics related to pregnancy and childbirth . Week 1: How to improve conception
- Parent report: Answering those questions is THE PARENT REPORT, a radio feature devoted to meeting the needs of today’s parents. Hosted by broadcast journalist, Joanne Wilson, each 60 second report turns to top child care specialists to pass on their advice. Each report features a leading doctor, family worker or recognized specialist in any given field to help shed light on topics of concern to today’s parents.
Single Parent Moms Daughters
- Wonder Years Radio-: Annette shares some easy a nd fun Summer activities :Fun Summer Learning – Show #31
- Jumping Monkeys: Megan and Leo interview one of the Rookie Moms about their new book of activities for baby and you. Jumping Monkeys Episode 42: The Rookie Moms
- Manic Mommies: Erin and Kristin talk this week to a mom puppeteer
- Mommy Community: Fun discussion and tips about various personalities like Analytical Andrea & Gabby Gloria. What are you? What is Your Communication Personality?
- The Household helper: Cara interviews Tiffany about how to start a veggie garden and fun ways to involve the kids in gardening : Episode #15 – Gardening: Growing Your Own Food
Send in your recommendations to be included in the top 10 favourite podcasts of the week fortnight.
What’s your favourite parenting podcast?
Send in your favourite one. Podcasters submit your favourite shows. For more information see the introductory post.
- If you like what you hear don’t forget to tell them about it. Subscribe to their podcast.
Technorati tags: carnival of parenting podcasts, blog carnival.
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