[tag]Play activity[/tag] you can do today.
Gather together a variety of clips. This is what we found after a 2 minute look
You need two volunteers.
Youngest goes first. Close your eyes while the oldest randomly places clips on the youngests clothes. ( I felt the oldest would find it easier to put the clips on first and the youngest would love being first)
After all the clips are on, the youngest feels around to find them and take them off before opening their eyes.
See what happened in our video
This is an anywhere sensory activity. They get to learn how manipulate, improve finger coordination and strength, find the clips through tactile discrimination and find where to push to open it.
Makes them smile……………
**Any other ideas for clips we could use for next time?**
This is so great! I am definitely going to try this with my kids. I think my 2 1/2 year old will love it!
Danielle’s last blog post..“With or Without a Man” Book & Workbook
The boys are 3 1/2 and 6 both loved it and we played together for a long time. The fun is in opening the clips once they can do that with a few you can help them. Soon they could open them all without me.