Tell me Thursday is a chance to explain your Wordless Wednesday post. Join in the fun.
With wide open spaces it just encourages little boys to run around and explore.
Exploring colleges in Cambridge, UK.
You never know one day they might be back here studying?
Thanks for stopping by. What was your story behind your Wordless Wednesday photo?
See other Tell me Thursday participants
Thinking about starting your own business?
Beautiful shot. Just don’t see that here in the US!
Tell Me Thursday’s last blog post..Tell Me Thursday for 6/4/09
What a great opportunity! Thanks for sharing.
Karen ~Georgia Angel’s last blog post..Tell Me Thursday
Thank you for stopping by my Tell Me Thursday post. They actually smell… hold on, let me go check… well, I couldn’t smell anything actually. But cause I tried to smell them, got in a little too close and it touched my nose and upper lip… they taste sweet, no wonder the bees, butterflies and dragon flies like ’em so much!
Shanna’s last blog post..Capture the Magic
Oh and yes, you have a beautiful photo. I would love to visit there sometime, the structure is gorgeous!
Shanna’s last blog post..Frugal Laundry Soap : Part II
That is so pretty! My mother is from England up north near Manchester. I have only been once and I love the building. I wish I could go again soon!
Danielle’s last blog post..Tell Me Thursday: Poor Baby
What a great picture! I am hoping to have some greta shots like that when we go to Ireland this summer .
Kat’s last blog post..tell me thursday – irish eyes edition