Welcome to 31 days of Sensory play.
This month you can ramp up your play with some Sensory Activities. I’m using the term Sensory very loosely.
Why Sensory Activities?
- Chance for creativity
- Taken at different levels so if you have children at different ages and stages you can adapt the activity
How this will work?
Each day I’ll post on the subject of Sensory Activities. Feel free to add your comments, link up your posts and share your Sensory play journey in the comments below. I’ll be adding them to the Sensory Play Pinterest board and sharing on Facebook.
Day One – Create a special parent child bracelet
Gather Pony beads, drinking straws, scissors and pipe cleaner for each person.
Optional: We used a towel to keep everything from rolling over over the place.
Snip the straws into small pieces and display a range of pony beads.
Work on your own bracelet. Patterns are fun. I lay out a few straws in a red blue red pattern and he added the next in the sequence. We played around with the pony beads doing the same. He ‘tested’ me with some funny ideas about patterning. ( Read- random!)
At the end twist the pipecleaner together to bring it together as a bracelet or necklace.
See if they will exchange or swap as a gift. You’re required to wear it during your together activities for the duration of the 31 day series…..or longer if you like.
This is a token of your together activity and hopefully this symbol will not unlike a friendship bracelet will remind you of a good time and encourage you on the busier days about play. Hang it from your mirror as your drive around. Fix it in a place where you’ll see it daily.
Your turn
Try your own together bracelet or necklace. Choose your materials and go for it! Something you can wear during your together activities for the month.
Come back and share your experiences, stories and activity. Share your post here in the comments or share your photo on Facebook
Was excited to see the title of this new series and popped over to check it out. And what a coincidence – we happened to do just this today! (Except ours morphed from bracelets to various creatures.) Yay – I’m actually not behind with something! (as it’s past bedtime here today).
🙂 Would love to see them. Lovely to have you join in when you can