What are you looking for in a preschool? If you could magic one up or transport one you know from somewhere else to right where you are…….what would you want to see?
Do you want a purpose built 21st Century learning center?
I was thinking about this the other day. I have one who started preschool early in the Summer. We opted for the local school for lots of reasons. But if I was able to dream hmmm.
With a little help from The minds of boys these are some of the things I would want for my son.
Wide open spaces
Boys and my son loves to run around and use all the space. I’d love a huge outdoor area where lots of the work could be done through play outdoors.
He’d have time to find that worm and watch it go by; follow the ants and see if they cross the chalk line; imagine how that stick can be the best snake ever or cliff to jump off.
Have you seen these outdoor preschools in Canada and England or Happy Valley Children’s Ranch in Colorado?
Natural wooden blocks in various sizes and so many you can build things taller than the boys themselves.
Play based
I’d wish he was prepared for life long learning by going to preschool and not that he could function well in upcoming tests. If he wants to do the ABCs then I’d be happy and just as happy if he’d rather do something else. He’s 3. I’d rather he be experimenting, poking, curious, imaginative and scientific than feeling a failure in tests. Tests will come but not right now.
Picture books with amazing illustrations that take them to new places. Makes them ask questions and totally loose track of time.
Some with words so they can ask someone to read it to them and some where they can tell the story.
Act out
A place where he could be a boy and act out and be physical. Roll around on the ground with his buddies; play good guy/bad guy. Yet without hurting anyone or causing a nightmare to whoever is caring for him.
Adequate lighting
The male and female brains don’t experience light in the same way. Although all children benefit from lots of light, boys see better in bright light and thus especially benefit form lots of light in which to work, read, play and learn. Light can really make a difference in how boys perform both acadmeically and emotionally.
The Minds of Boys: Saving Our Sons From Falling Behind in School and Life
– M. Gurian and K Stevens.
Lots of physical movement
The lessons aren’t solely based on sitting down and being quiet to do an activity but a good mix of sitting down activities and moving around activities.
Innovative teachers and staff
Experienced teachers and new teachers both have very different things to offer. I’d love a blend of the best of both. New ideas and methodology in brain research that would help my child have the best experience as well as tried and tested methods of learning. A teacher with a flexible approach to material who’s able to do what’s best for my child and others.
Wouldn’t it be great if he was able to listen and experience music with instruments from around the world as well as listen to pieces from diverse musical backgrounds. He could create musical instruments and imitate what he’s heard. During circle time or the beginning of class some music from around the world. He could be Saint-Saens “The Elephant”
That he could concentrate and not get overwhelmed with so many choices or stations to go to but have direction and focus on a few stations. He could have lots of stations over a long period but not necessarily in the same day.
When I asked on Twitter, Gina Rau of changebecomeschange.com said, ” Quality teachers. Quality time to play. Quality families.”
This sounds like it would be such a wonderful experience. I hope your school has a few items on your list.
Hi Trish
Yes, his school does have many of those things. Thanks for stopping by.
this is just what I am hoping to start. an outdoor preschool, based mostly on experiential learning, unstructured play. I feel children, young children would be less stressed, more confident and happy, playing outside in all weather, there is no bad weather, just the wrong clothes. What did most of us do when we were young, we played outside using our imaginations, growing the creativity it takes to develop all these new techy devices.
This would be amazing. I think you’d find a lot of people would love to send their kids there. I think it’s great we can still think creatively about preschool solutions. I hope we’ll always have choices for everyone and it not be down to if you can afford great preschool rather than preschool that helps everyone. Thanks for stopping by.