Carnival of Parenting Podcasts will be discontinued until further notice. Please use the archives to find parenting podcasts. Instead I’ll highlight podcasts within the usual blog posts. My current must listen to podcast is on Positive discipline @ Parenting unplugged radio.
The boys and I have been having a lot of pretend play fun with the Nursery Rhyme meme on Mondays. We don’t always post our activities but we always have fun.
This last week I was able to meet some local blogging moms . The Mile high mamas social media event was downtown at the Warwick hotel. It was exciting to meet so many bloggers and social media people. They are such a friendly bunch and they do look like their avatars on Twitter. 🙂 I got to meet Amy of CrunchyDomesticGoddess .
I was able to carpool with LaLagirl. I met a bunch of new people- some I remembered to take pictures of or get their cards and some I forget because there were so many.( sorry)
Me ( Melitsa), Heather, Nicole, Alison, Julie, Melissa and Amy.
Hi wave! We were all treated so well. We were automatically entered into a raffle to win some amazing prizes. ….and guess what I won a prize!
.. an Office Max binder, paper set with fancy patterned paperclips, folders, and a book. The boys are eying my paperclips already. Find out what we were doing there and more about the celebration by visiting Mile high mamas. Even mummy got to play that night. Thanks Amber for putting it together. So often you feel like you’re blogging alone but this is the first time I’ve met some fellow bloggers and definitely it’s not going to be the last.
Things have been a little busy around here with family life changes; syncing everyone’s back to school schedules; new working patterns for my husband; along with all the normal business of a raising three boys in a busy household….Noise and Chaos have been in abundant supply.
I’ve been doing a little pruning of the website. Please visit the recommendations section. I’ve completely changed this area to accommodate the requests for books and information.
If you’d like to suggest a topic for me to write about you can do so anonymously through this survey link. If you’d like me to respond to you please leave a valid email address.
As the boys are getting older you’ll notice the BG dropping off the scene but he’s still around and loves to join in. The MO and LO are fully fledged play addicts.
And finally…….. here’s a play activity we’ve been playing recently.
The BG being in first grade has his high frequency words to learn. We’ve been playing memory with them after writing them on cards. It’s just not appropriate for the MO to be doing this yet but naturally he wants to play too. ( That’s a whole other post on homework with siblings. I think Planning Queen wrote a post on that). He started colouring a spare card and then together we thought of doing a colour memory game.
He chose the colour. Told me what it was. Drew a swatch of colour on both cards. Got another card….until he was done and wanted to just play. The beauty of this activity is that you don’t have to do every colour and not all at once.
The BG soon abandoned his word memory game, announcing how he wanted to do a set for his brother. ( How cute! It’s amazing how creative we get when we want to do something else). We had time and what is parenting if not a chance to go with things sometimes. The BG devised a face memory game. Part way through he decided to number them because I think even he couldn’t always tell which ones went together ;).
Good thinking I say! No prompting from me.
That day was a bear to clean up because we had cards everywhere- high frequency words, colours and faces. Getting them back in the correct piles.
The MO gets his set out when we play the game with the BG and just for himself. It’s fun to watch him play by himself and peek and then announce. I’ve found the match. lol.
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Angelina Mizaki
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The Daily Reviewer
I really enjoyed meeting you! Great blog and I’ll be a faithful follower from now on!