Don’t forget to enter the book contest. Click here to go there now- Running Monday 15th February to Sunday 21st February 2010.
Q: What to do with two brothers who love Superheroes and Science?
A: Superhero training camp! Birthday party
We had a blast this weekend with a 7th birthday party. With inspiration from Pink and Green Mama’s Dr birthday bash for all the science and some imagination. The BG really likes Science experiments and totally loves all things superhero and his little brother the MO is right behind him. Well most Superheros seem to come about by some science disasters so the two ideas seem to fit together. Also I loved the fact we didn’t need to buy lots of things but we could use vegetable oil, paper, reuse and re purpose things we have around the home, sequins, our bodies etc in the true Play Activities style.
We had superhero sayings on the door. Things like ” I have the power!” Anyone remember that one? Along with a sign welcoming our new visitors to our superhero training camp. I wish I had more photographs but things were a little too crazy and taking pictures was the last thing on my mind with 7 seven-year old boys and two girls who once they realised it was a superhero party were well….excited 🙂
Mr Playactivities and I were in role as the instructors and Mr Playactivities gave the formal briefing to the training facility. I gave the pep talk about expecting the best as they had been chosen to save the world! We both loved role-playing and the kids were totally there with us playing along.
We split into two groups and did a round robin of activities. They followed a booklet and had 5 steps to becoming a superhero.
- Decorate your mask.
- Make a superhero power bracelet
- Milky fireworks ( to see awe and wonder and appreciate that they are unique people)
- colour magic ( patience to blend colours builds patient people)
- Touching eggtastic ( Brave enough to touch something gooey and soft to build their ‘braveness’)
- Design a superhero
- Make your own superhero stance
- Test your abilities
- Jump across tall buildings
- Save the baby from a burning building
- Catch the villain from far away
- Fight the big villains with your mighty strength
- Can you use your wits?
- Kung fu training
We ran out of time so didn’t complete everything but while we ate pizza, and melon ( You know mum is trying with the fruit right!) They each got given their superhero name. I wrote them in their booklets.
In totally British style, they went home with ( Superhero)cake. We didn’t give out goody bags but instead they took home their superhero booklet, mask, bracelet and a special cape that Mr Playactivities made for them out of felt. After watching this how to make a cape video.
We needed superhero strength ourselves after that party. Lots of fun.
Here’s what we did.
- Printed the first 3 sheets for the booklet.
- Cut them and stapled them together.
- Pages 4-9 were at each station for everyone to know what they were doing.
Download your superhero copy here.
It worked for me when I printed it but each program and printer maybe different.
The photos you saw yesterday were our lava lamp and milky fireworks…..a brief chance to get out the camera.
What a great party! I love the program guide.