All the W’s yesterday; Wordless Wednesday and Weather.
These were taken outside our home in Northern Italy.
Living so close to the mountains the clouds always felt like they were coming down like this.
It wasn’t all the time and many days it would be gone very quickly. Today it stayed all day long with an eerie quiet you’d expect with floaty clouds.
I’m always amazed at how the weather can change so much so quickly.
Thank you for reading my Tell me Thursday story. Please find the others at Tell me Thursday.
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I love clouds that hang down low like that. Where we live right now we are next to a gap in the mountains and the clouds often look like that surrounding the tunnel we drive through. It’s a beautiful sight. You had a lovely view from your home in northern Italy. I hope one day to have a home abroad 🙂
.-= Amber @ Because Babies Grow Up´s last blog ..More About that Wild Creation =-.
We don’t often have clouds in Arizona, so I think I love shots like this even more 😉 Just beautiful!
.-= Melanie´s last blog ..Tell Me Thursday – An Office =-.