We tried the two art activities. See what happened in the slideshow below.

The boys were very pleased with their art and now think it’s fun to draw and colour on the floor. I liked how it came out. It did take a little time to set up but the effort was well worth it. We used butcher paper and bought art tape. We’ ll be experimenting with different size paper and different media now we’ve seen the possibilities.
We attempted the [tag]sandpaper art[/tag] but we didn’t press hard enough. The sandpaper itself looked good after the iron and we liked the effect we could just about see on the card. We tried again this weekend.
The preschooler at first liked how hard he had to push but soon grew tired of it. Maybe it was the crayons or the style of picture but I had to go over his. Since we had to press so hard we dug up old crayons.
We also used paper this time to see if this made a difference.
Both boys enjoyed the fact we were drawing on something that wasn’t paper. It’s never occurred to me that they always draw on paper of some sort. So for this alone they were excited.
We’re thinking of framing these prints for their rooms I quite like the idea of making them into notecards as thank you cards for the coming year.
See slideshow below for our creations.

I had a little go myself too because it was fun.
We’d love to do more art and science activities. Where do you go for your under 5 art and science?
What new medium have your children drawn on other than paper?
[…] Magic tape, Scotch tape, Masking tape and recently artists tape are big favourites in the world of the under 5s in our house. This past week we celebrate the 80th […]