Do you have a routine for your day?
The boys both started back to school so with homework, chores and play I find I have to have a schedule or routine. I’m not good myself with routines, I have to admit. They work. I understand but I don’t like restriction. It’s a journey for me as I didn’t like budgeting either because I felt it was a restriction but have slowly embraced the freedom of knowing where every penny goes. So I know I just need to grasp the nettle and include more routine for me.
The boys have routines and thrive on it. The oldest especially. Routines calm and empower him. He knows what to do and can manage his time…..mostly well. That’s ok. The MO is getting there he needs time limits. I think I’ll get back out the Learning Resources – Time Tracker for a visual reminder for him. The LO loves routine too.
With the new school year I find myself in a pickle with routines. This is the part I hate. Trying to find what works for us. Then we can all tick along smoothly. But right now, things are a little chaotic, rushed and spur of the moment because we have a little extra time.
I menu plan for 6-8 meals and with leftovers and freezer food we get enough food and variety that lasts for the fortnight.
Alyssa Avant tweeted about her binder system so I watched the video. I’ve included below. She finally inspired me to just started our family binder. I think this is what tipped me to the fact that I’m not in a good routine yet. lol. Her tips are great.
I’m interested in hearing how you orgainse your time at home with the kids/work/play activities/chores etc. What do you plan? What do you not plan?
Please share your thoughts in the comments. Help a girl out 🙂
I’m a routine-lover. Our most important routines are for naps and bedtime. But I also have routines for daily and weekly cleaning and a flexible routine for when we play (outdoor/indoor, art or not). Meal planning is the one part I’m still trying hard to make work.
Catherine’s last blog post..ten little fingers and ten little toes
That’s really organized. Excellent. Was it over time you worked out your routines?
routines. love to make them, hate to keep them… 🙂
Are your kids back in school already??
Hi Reneegrace. Yep we’re in year round school so this is our 2nd full week of the school year. Once I get my groove I’m ok. Just this bit is hard for me. Thanks for stopping by.
Melitsa, I got into the routines slowly (baby steps), trying to change everything at once is just too hard. And I don’t want to pretend that everything doesn’t fall apart from time to time, like when my kids get sick.
I love this timer idea – I think I need it, too!
Our routine for the summer has been inconsistent at best. Usually, we are very structured. I just spent an hour with Lifecoach, Carley, and she’s helping me set boundaries and get my schedule together. I need to!