Learn about baby signing and communication with our guest today!
Louise Gibbs is a pediatric nurse with more than 10 years experience. She fell in love with Baby Sign language after the birth of her daughter and hasn’t looked back. Louise trains groups around the country in sign as wells as has classes online.
Raising Playful Tots show 46: Baby Signing Mummy https://raisingplayfultots.com/podcast/ra… @babysigningmummy
We talk playgrounds @playgroundology and baby signing @babysigningmum in the show today https://raisingplayfultots.com/podcast/ra…
@playactivities i just listened to your show, very nice. thx so much for the mention. this should help with some more uk fans. all the best
Hi Alex. Glad to have you as a listener Always enjoy sharing fun playful links. Keep up the good work. I’m sure you have lots of worldwide fans and hope even more now. Thanks for the feedback.
RT @playactivities: Baby signing brings lots of smiles, play and communication Have you signed with your baby? Was it fun? https://www.facebook.com …