Welcome to the Raising Playful Tots Index !
Are you a new mum looking for play ideas? Work in childcare and want some resources to share with your colleagues and parents about making play fun? Run a mother and toddler group and looking for suggestions? Looking to make some changes in your play lifestyle gradually from people who have been there before you? An Early years educator who is just excited about play? Grandparent with children coming to stay? Parent curious about….*delete appropriate Montessori/ structured together activities/Waldorf Steiner/ preschool/Literacy activities/unplugged/outdoor play etc and more and want to learn from the experts?
Then stop now pull up a chair and you are in for a treat. You have come to the right place!
When we look up a Decorators in Yellow Pages we get a huge listing. How do you pick the right type of Decorator? You soon build up a list of Decorators who do very different things. The painter who does a fine job of painting the outside of the house. The one who will paint and do touch up jobs. The children’s bedroom decorator who specialises in murals. The fine finishers… You get our point. Through a lot of trial and error and friends or perhaps Angies List you have a folder of Decorators a list you go to when you have a job. It’s not a closed folder. You add to it.
The RPTI is one such one-stop shop.
Complied in one place are bloggers who love Play. They promote Early childhood play with a variety of play activities and inspirational ideas for our under 8 children in one place.
Whether you are looking for new ideas, inspiration, things to do , babysitting tonight and need a helping hand, pop on over to the RPTI and enjoy the exciting play activities by parents and educators.
You will have a full play folder with a range of play activities from specialist to generalist. Waldorf play inspired to homeschooled, baby, toddler, preschool and School activities for you to dip into depending on what you are looking for.
If you appear in this Top 100 list then feel free to take your badge to proudly display on your blog.
UPDATE: 15June 0630MST – Changed code on badges
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Not listed here and want to be included in the next index?
Add your name here. If this link is not working then please leave the your blog url in the comments and we will add your blog to our list to calculate next time!
Have a question?
Please leave it here
………..Now you have hours and hours of play activities to try. Your play folder has only just begun.
This Index is brought to you by Melitsa and Nicole
Melitsa Avila is a stay at home mum raising three full of fun boys in various countries as a military mum. She shares her thoughts and ideas on keeping Early years playtime fun for both parents and children through her websites and podcast.
Nicole Avery: As a mother of five gorgeous kids ranging from 11years to one year old, I have figured out a few tricks, processes and plans that have helped make our daily life easier. Through my blog I share my ideas on how to streamline the repetitive tasks in family life, so you have more time for fun the parts like playing, getting out and about or just quietly enjoying each others company.
Just popping over from Planning With Kids to say well done on such a fabulous resource!
Play based activities are soooooo important for little kids and I can’t wait to check out some of these blogs that I haven’t visited yet…. and possibly one day even make the list 🙂
Could my blog be added please? https://playeatlearnlive.blogspot.com/
@playactivities so nice, thank you! We must have a coffee soon. Maybe you could join us one day at our neighborhood pool?
RT @playactivities: Introducing the Raising Playful Tots Index – 100 blogs to inspire #play #ece https://raisingplayfultots.com/rptindex/r…
Oh wow what a wonderful resource, I am honored to be included with so many other amazing blogs!
We certainly love to play at our house and I can’t wait to check out all these other families that enjoy it as much as we do :0)
Great resource! I see many of my favorites all in one place – and get to find out about other great blogs! Thanks bunches for including QM on your list – you made my day!
Wow I am speechless – I am so excited just to be included and to see our blog at the top is a huge compliment , and has sincerely made my week!! I adore your site and commitment to early childhood.
this is a wonderful list and what amazing resources you’ve gathered! i am an art-therapist-turned-stay-at-home-momma who has a blog called https://paintcutpaste.com where i post art activities i do with my 3yo daughter (about 2-4 posts per week.) it is all centered around art that kids can do themselves, with art materials that are developmentally appropriate and confidence-boosting for little ones. you can also follow us on facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/paintcutpaste — thanks again for posting such a great list and i hope mine can be added in the future!
Hi Jen
Would love to have you. Please follow this link.
Goodness! What a wonderful surprise 🙂 And what a *brilliant* resource – a great idea, and no doubt quite some work, so well done!
RT @playactivities: Thanks @tessasdad for the RT: Introducing the Raising Playful Tots Index – 100 blogs to inspire #play #ece https://ow …
RT @playactivities: Thanks @tessasdad for the RT: Introducing the Raising Playful Tots Index – 100 blogs to inspire #play #ece https://ow …
Wonderful list Melitsa and Nicole! Such a great resource for parents and carers everywhere.
Great job. 🙂
What a great list! I see a lot of my favorites on this list. 🙂
What an important resource your list is, well done. Thank you for including Childhood 101 on the list 🙂
OOOh the list looks FABULOUS!! Recognise many great blogs there!! Have registered https://redtedart.wordpress.com for future inclusion (**pretty please**) 🙂
Look forward to reading more!
This looks like a great list for me to work through lol
Not sure if my blog qualifies, we do lots of fun things together….
What an honor to be #6 and what an awesome list! I am happy to see so many of my blog readers on the list also ;-). I posted on my blog today so many more can see the wonderful list you have compiled!!!
What a great list!!! A lot of my favorites are on it 🙂
Wow!!! What an awesome list and what an AWESOME honor to be a part of it!! This has completely made my day. I’m beaming!! Thank you!
Jill, at The Shafer Family
Thank you for including me in the list! You made my day!
I just saw Christy’s post on her blog and had to check it out and little did I know that you have me on there as well!! You seriously made my day and I feel SO honored!! Thank you SO much!! Off to post my own blog post about it 😀 <3
How exciting to be included – thank you so much!!
I’ve just come back from a happy hour exploring blogs I hadn’t yet discovered. Thank you for putting this all together and sharing it with us all. I suppose I’d best go cook dinner for the kids now 🙂
Wow. You two have been busy. Great idea! I am really humbled to be here too. I love learning more about children and play from lots of the blogs in this list.
What a super list…lots of my favourites are here! Thank you! Now for some more exploring!
What an awesome list! I see many I’ve visited and more I’m looking forward to checking out! Thank you! And I feel so honored to have made the list. How exciting!
My last blog…https://momistheonlygirl.blogspot.com/2010/06/shape-block.html
What a lovely surprise!! I stopped by after learning about the list on a friend’s blog – image my surprise when I saw you had included me on here, too! Thank you SO MUCH! Truly an honor to be amongst so many fantastic bloggers.
Counting Coconuts
Thanks for the great list which led to me finding a few new blogs! I love the fact that you have some U.S. blogs as well including Magical Childhood which I adore. I am surprised however, to see the Artful Parent so far down the list (100?) since that blog is constantly full of great ideas. Hopefully you’ll eventually move it up some more. In the meantime keep up the great work!
Fantastic list – yet another resource to bookmark!
There really aren’t enough hours in the day, days in the week….
Thanks so much for including Imagination Soup! This list is impressive – kudos to you both for all the hard work!!
Just found your blog, I loved seeing so many of the blogs I follow listed here, they truly deserve to be on your list.
Thank you for including us and making up this fabulous list! We’ll be checking in regularly!
I tried to add the playful tots index top 100 button to my blog and the code would not work…I was just wondering if anyone else was having a problem. I would really love to have the button to link back to this wonderful resource :0)
Hi Michelle
Emailed you another solution. I hope this helps you 🙂
I would love love love to feature on your list, there are some really fab blogs on here.
Adele x
Hey Adele
Here’s the link to the page for you : https://raisingplayfultots.com/about-raising-playful-tots-index
How to Get your Play Blog Included in the Index
Please fill out the form to be added into the next list.
Any idea when the index will be updated?
The September index is live 🙂