Yesterday you saw my youngest happily playing in a cardboard box.
This was part of the box house the boys loved to play with. Sadly, it is on its last legs and was condemned after this last final play!
He kept himself amused with peek- a- boo for the longest time. The box came out because the MO had a play date. Bringing out the open ended toys seems to reduce the sharing problems that come with 3/4 year olds who want to play in one way with their toy. The box is whatever each person wants it to be. The playdate was a lot of fun and yes we had some centers of openendness. Lots of laughter, shrieking, running and pretend play.
Thankfully after reading Childhood 101’s ice cream shop I now know how to strengthen our boxes to last longer.
With Christmas coming there will be more boxes around than ever. Keep a few, especially the big ones. Ask your friends, family or at big box stores for them. We all complain they want the box and not what’s in it. Save the box for some imaginary play. Kids totally love it.
I didn’t need to warm any of the kids up to playing with this box. Everyone played with it.
Thank you for reading my Tell me Thursday story. Please find the others at Tell me Thursday.
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What a great post! My kids loved boxes when they were little. Their favorite time was the time we got new iron chairs for our deck outside. The boxes were HUGE (they could stand up in there). Those boxes lasted for a long time as grocery stores, doctor’s offices, hideouts, tents and more. Such great play!
Thanks for a fun post!
.-= Quiet Mom´s last blog ..Tell Me Thursday – Fabric =-.
So fun! Thanks for the shout out and for being a faithful TMTer this year! We appreciate you!
Chele and Annette
.-= Tell Me Thursday´s last blog ..Tell Me Thursday 12/17/09 =-.
Just subscribed to your newsletter. Very cool blog. Can’t wait to read more.
Thanks for the link, I am amazed how well your boxes lasted for a whole year! As you can probably tell, I am a BIG fan of cardboard boxes as play inspiration!