No matter what your tolerance level is for toddler painting; sometimes a different way comes along that you can just enjoy.
Roll-On Painters from Lakeshore Learning are easy to grip, minimum fuss and easy for your toddler to use. My toddler here was having fun taking the lids of everyone and making marks on the page. Whereas his older brother was busy making a picture.
I did have to get them going for the toddler.They are just like roll on deodorants 🙂
Easy clean up and set up. Perfect for those days when you don’t want to get out the easel and pour paint.
June’s radio show
** Do You Have an Oversensitive Child?**
Listen to the interview on Play activities radio to find out more ( top right sidebar)
Another great idea! You can make your own rolly paint….just pop the balls off your empty roll-on deodorant. Of course, wash them up and then, fill them with washable paint. You can pop the balls back on rather easily. Another great idea is using bingo dabbers as dot paint. Kids love making patterns and pictures with dots!
I always loved finger painting with my little girl as she was growing up.
When painting at home with my children a really good toddler painting idea is using old sponges. Then cut these into different sizes and using these with small bowls of paint.
Then I let them loose with a blank piece of paper to create their own designs using the different sponges and sizes.