When I think of my childhood I think of playdough. That’s what we were making here in the Wordless Wednesday picture.
We like to make batches of playdough. The boys are so excited when they see the playdough is on it’s last legs. Because they know that we’ll be making some new playdough. We’ve tried the uncooked version but haven’t found a good one. I like to stick to the cooked version. Nothing beats the cooked recipe and moving that warm pliable stuff around in your hand, whatever your age.
1 ½ cups flour
¾ cup salt
1 tablespoon cream of tartar
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 ½ cup water
Wooden spoon
2 medium sized bowls
Mix wet together
Mix dry together
Combine and cook over low heat until resembles mash potatoes
Cool a little
After you’ve made the playdough and it’s in the pan. It’ll look like mashed potatoes ( see the photo) Now it’s ready to scoop out and….
Make a ball.
Poke a hole
Add a colour or add some glitter or add some scent ( vanilla/mint or orange our current likes- but not together)
Close the hole by pushing over the playdough.
The boys now know what to expect but we still get excited. Something about rolling warm playdough and watching it transform in front of your eyes. First no colour, then a glimpse, then stripes and finally the ball is a full colour. Not to mention one ball of red and one ball of yellow by each boy then combining and seeing what we get. We much prefer doing this than dropping the colour into the pan.
I enjoy the smelly ones. Each time the tin is opened or they play that wonderful smell comes out. Since it’s Autumn why not add a fall spice like cinnamon, mulled cider scented or Pumpkin spice. Yellow playdough in celebration of the corn fields or Orange for the pumpkins.
If you cook your playdough then it’ll keep for a long time in a sealed container……and when it spoils. Well you can just cook up some more. 🙂
I wonder what my children will remember about their childhood? I hope it’s making playdoh too!
What will your children remember about their childhood? What activity will give them that warm fuzzy feeling?
Please visit the other participants at Tell me Thursday who share their story about their Wordless Wednesday photograph.
I remember my mom making play dough when I was little! It is so fun. We recently made flubber with the kids, which is similar to play dough. Too fun!
.-= Danielle´s last blog ..Tell Me Thursday: We’re In Trouble =-.
My boys LOVE homemade playdough. We store ours in gallon sized ziploc bags and it will keep for a month or more if it is put away right after using. We don’t even buy pre-made playdough anymore. I let each of my boys pick out a color and make a batch for each of them. They play with it for hours, and love it best warm out of the pan 🙂 People can’t believe I make my own playdough, but it is so easy!
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..Paper Plate Penquin =-.
I’m glad I’m not alone in the warm from the pan feeling. Thanks for sharing.