Let me introduce you to some new friends you should get to know too….
ABC and 123- a learning cooperative
A place to
…collect & borrow teaching tools
…share & receive inspiration
…explore & review professional resources
…those who love to learn & teach
…those with lots of time & those with limited time to invest in their children
Our goal is to COOPERATE with you, our friends & readers, to create a valuable LEARNING resource.
This site collects posts on certain topics. You can find the list at the top of the page. There are submission guidelines on the left sidebar along with FAQ.For those using themes this is a great way to supplement your themes with new and original ideas. If you have a child in preschool then you can add to what they are doing in class with fun activities at home. Just looking through all the photographs and kids playing will give you lots of ideas and activities. These ladies do a great job! Learn more about ABCand123
Rachel has so many great ideas for the Kindergartners. Her philosophy is that children are sponges and why not expose them to as much as possible. The activities are diverse and fun. She has listed articles & resource recommendations for parents too.
Melissa produces creative ideas and runs classes for the little ones.
…I started Imagination Soup’s blog for you. I post easy (emphasis on easy) ideas to do with your kids that involve fun, learning, and creativity – if at all possible, independent of an adult! I’m no Martha Stewart, nor do I aspire to be. But, I do believe playing, reading, drawing, writing, dancing, and thinking are the best ways to spend one’s time.
Here’s my favourite post : Helping kids be bucket fillers
Bethe bring excitement and fun to playing outdoors. Her blog is full of common sense and inspiration to play outside with our children for theirs and our sakes.
So, who is The Grass Stain Guru?! In a nutshell: If I haven’t laughed to the verge of incontinence, then it hasn’t been a good day. I believe in singing in the car, being kind to waitstaff, furry things, and that no amount of stuff will ever make you happy.
I also believe that childhood was meant to be messy. Muddy. Slimy. Silly. And most of all, joyful. Steeped in awe and wonder, childhood should be spent outdoors as much as possible, and should rely on imagination and whimsy as much as it does on rules and regulations.
I have been connecting people with nature and a purveyor of play and wonder for 20 years.
Favourite post: Dirt is good
Totally Tots was designed for Christian moms who are choosing to keep their tots at home in possible preparation for a homeschooling future. I don’t doubt it will be a resource for all moms of tots, but it grew out of a desire to give moms who keep their tots at home as a place to come together and grow together.
What is a tot?
Here we define a tot as any child between the ages of 12 and 47 months (1-3). Some people call them toddlers, we call them tots!Totally Tots was designed and is maintained by Carisa (Christian, missionary, homeschooling mom of two boys,and a baby girl), with help from several featured guest writers.
Favourite posts: Treats for your tot
What play people do you follow?
Would love to know in the comments section.
To keep upto date on these great blogs and mine don’t forget you can subscribe and receive posts via email or via a feed reader. This way you won’t miss a post.
I have found some very fun and creative ideas from these sites:
Lil Blue Boo
Pink and Green Mama
Thank you for your comment Morgan. You site design looks great. I don’t know what it looked like before but this looks super fab! 🙂
Ohh what great sites.Thanks for sharing.
Hi Melitsa — stopping by and following from MBC! I love your site! Filled with great info for those of us who spend our days with young children.
Two additional sites are:
Take care — Dee 😀
Hey Melitsa! Playing blog catch-up & just saw this! Thanks so much for adding The Grass Stain Guru to your list — I’m honored! There is so much great work going on out there on play and getting kids outside — both at the blog and the organizational level. I am so excited to get a chance to work with The Alliance for Childhood, The Children & Nature Network, and KaBOOM! on projects and to be a part of the play movement. I think your readers will really like the ideas and activities for parents over at https://naturerocks.org and to keep up with the thoughts and info over at https://playborhood.com. Viva #playoutdoors!
Cheers- Bethe aka The Grass Stain Guru @balmeras
I’m now 19 and experiencing being a dad. I must say although it feels good it’s still hard. I knew it wouldn’t be easy but to be honest, the hard part is having to balance time. My daughter is great and makes managing her never dreadful. -Teen dad
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