With all the rain this week we’ve been in and out like yo-yos. One hazard of being inside is that I decided to clear up the recycling area. There were partly broken down boxes sticking out everywhere. After seeing this pin + time inside we came up with a fun play activity on the spot.
You can watch our journey below in these two short videos
Friday Finds is the place to unwind, grab yourself a comfy chair and reflect on your past week then plan for the upcoming one.
With a little something to make you think, for them to do and for us to listen or watch……. We are putting ideas into action. Challenging ourselves to do a little differently. Be inspired.
Enjoy your weekend!
Goodness for the mind: New report shows illiteracy costing the world $1.19 trillion :: National Literacy Trust
Activities for the body: Nursery Rhyme activity :: Totally Tots
Goodness for the ears: Reasons to do Homeschool :: The Simple Mom Podcast
This week on Raising Playful Tots podcast:: 95. Mark Making changing the way we think about writing
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Fantastic vocabulary building activity!