Summer is a good time for reflection, focus, action and some clarity on raising a playful tot. All to often we have lots of fantastic ideas we want to do but just don’t get around to them. Now’s the time. I’ve tried to not bombard you with lots of resources this session and encourage you to take a step back from the play and parenting you have going on now and reflect.
In the links below you’ll find some discussion questions to take away and talk with your spouse, partner, friends and family. It’s not until you talk about play that you find allies in your area and fellowship in numbers.
In the comments, share the parenting and/or play book would you hands down recommend?
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Fantastic podcast about kid lit and picture books: Brain Burps about books
Inspired book blog and activities: Playing by the book
Playful Parenting
Brain Rules
Einstein Never Used Flashcards
Simplicity Parenting
Five love languages of children
Summer Camp for Moms is a FREE 8-day virtual retreat focused completely on YOU
Discussion Questions for #142
31 day photo challenge for kids
What: Using the prompts above the kids ( with help if needed) take 31 photos
Where: Using YOUR smartphone. ( Dream come true for them- legitimate use finally!)
When: Starts July 1st.
Who: The kids if possible and you if you fancy
How do I join in?: We’re doing this offline with family and friends. I encourage you to do the same. Come on….it’ll be fun! My online version will be me on instagram using #31daysinjuly tag. Join me! Upload your pics ( Yours or your kids)
Why?: Bring connection, laughter and creativity during the summer. They’ll be happy they get to use the camera
Celebrating #simpleparenting on G+ and Instagram
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