After a shopping trip the big guy asked for his own ‘bleep bleep’ machine. Once I worked out he meant a [tag]cash register[/tag] we got right to making our own.
- Old book box
- sheet of construction paper with markers
- computer with printer
- tape
- Coloured card
- Print program ( We used Printmaster )
We looked at a few cash registers online at toy stores to get an idea of what to make and how it looked. After the talking and observing I drew a rudimentary cash register outline on the paper.
- Fixed it to a flap on the box and lifted the opposite flap up. There a wrote a total price and an empty window.
- We chose the [tag]currency[/tag] we were working in at the time ( euro and dollars) and found the symbols for them.
- My big guy’s wanted to name the cash register so it was named after him.
- Found some currency blank templates and inserted his cousins and new little brother to represent the different values. We chose green cards to represent the dollar colour.
There’s something exciting about using money that has your face on it. This cash register started ringing up a lot of groceries.
It was the perfect opportunity for me to unload all the receipts for groceries I have in my purse so the little guy could even give out receipts.
This cash machine comes out for [tag]pretend play[/tag] all the time. See previous article stuck on pretend play.
Now………… 2 years later his little brother has discovered the cash register and his picture as a baby and is fascinated. The big guy wonders where the coins are and the stamps…….. guess we better start thinking of that one. Any suggestions?
i found really great ideas and activities to do with children on that web site it is very fun!