Welcome to the 23rd edition of [tag]Carnival of Parenting Podcasts
It’s a place to share and find some new parenting [tag]podcasts[/tag] from the podcaster and recommendations from those who listen to podcasts.
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Top 9
Send in your favourite podcasts of the month.
- Mommybrainonline presents How are your buttonholes? Be inspired by Kristie’s 2-year-old Jack cruising Disneyland in his new hook-hand and eye patch looking for buried treasure.
- Parenting unplugged radio: A discussion with Bob Sears about vaccinations
- Boredom Busters: Boredom Busters #3 How to make a cool sandbox from a ten gallon aquarium
- What really matters: VickyandJen Noise guy live– This funny and noisy show was performed in front of a LIVE audience in our hometown. Charlie Williams (a.k.a. The Noise Guy) entertained us with his captivating stories, original music and unbelievable sounds using ONLY his mouth! We hope you’ll enjoy it with your kiddos too!
- The Healthy Parenting Blog: 99 iPhone Apps for the Best, Brightest, and Brainiest Kids
- Mom-2-Mom with Christine Young : Christine talks about fun Easter activities for the kiddos.
- Sensory Nanny:Practical advice for parents raising children with autism, developmental delays, and sensory issues from an occupational therapist who also happens to be a mom who has “been there”.
- Dad Talk Radio: Join Jim Burns as he gives you the keys to successful parenting, The first key is teaching your children how to respond to authority in the home and in school.The second key is understanding the impact your values and character play in the development of your children’s values and character.
- Kid Concoctions Show #6 : Hosted by best-selling authors and national TV personalities John & Danita Thomas. Each week John & Danita share tips on how-to economize without compromising the quality of your family’s everyday life.
Send in your recommendations to be included in the top 10 favourite podcasts of the Month.
What’s your favourite parenting podcast?
Send in your favourite one. Podcasters submit your favourite shows. For more information see the introductory post.
- If you like what you hear don’t forget to tell them about it. Subscribe to their podcast.
Technorati tags: carnival of parenting podcasts, blog carnival.