Welcome to the 3rd edition of Carnival of [tag]Parenting[/tag] Podcasts
It’s a place to share and find some new parenting [tag]podcasts[/tag] from the podcaster and recommendations from those who listen to podcasts.
P Garza presents MomTalk segment by Littlebytesnews.com posted at Littlebytesnews.com.
Andrea presents fishy-water
Top 8
Send in your favourite podcasts of the fortnight.
- Cuddle Podcast #2 The three little pigs
- Foster Parenting Podcast #18 Moving with foster children
- G.E.M parenting Motivational Monday: Avoid getting snowballed by Christmas
- Mojo Mom Podcast Mojo Mom & “Opting out ?”
- PregTASTIC, Episode #77 – PregTASTIC [tag]Pregnancy [/tag]Resources
- The Parents Journal -497-Carl Pickhardt, psychologist and author of The Connected Father, offers tips about Dads staying close to their [tag]teenager[/tag].
- Womens hour news and politics Under 5s curriculum 12 12 2007 Via iTunes
- LD Podcast #69 Nina Staitman-[tag]Reading[/tag] development
That concludes this third edition.
Send in your recommendations to be included in the top 10 favourite podcasts of the week fortnight.
What’s your favourite parenting podcast?
Send in your favourite one. Podcasters submit your favourite shows.
For more information see the introductory post.
If you like what you hear don’t forget to tell them about it. Subscribe to their podcast.
Thank you so much for highlighting my podcast! I hope you have an excellent holiday!