Yesterday you saw the LO and I having fun at the BGs Christmas sing-a-long. Keeping a wriggly LO quiet so other children can shine is hard. I got to meet a lot of other parents in the hallway when our little ones needed to stretch their legs and lungs. But for a little while we got to play row row row your boat. Since this is by far the LOs favourite song we can do the motions without sound and still get a giggle. Which is what we were doing here.
I don’t often get pictures of me doing the play activities with the kids because I’m there doing it. Luckily today all the stars were aligned…..meaning hubby was there taking 100s some pictures of the Christmas sing a long show so snapped us having fun.
The BG looked great in his PJs up front 🙂
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You’re such a faithful TMTer! Another great story! 🙂
.-= Tell Me Thursday´s last blog ..Tell Me Thursday – 1/7/2010 =-.