We’re playing Rhyme Time. The previous post was a video of a Nursery Rhyme you and your child together are trying to guess. If you’ve not done this yet………what are you waiting for 🙂
This post gives you the answer and some activities we did with it.
Pretend play gives your child the chance for unlimited creativity. On Monday we’ll celebrate that through Nursery rhymes.
Here’s the answer………………………………….
Answer: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear turn around.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn Around
Teddy bear, Teddy bear touch the ground
Teddy bear, Teddy bear show your shoe
Teddy bear, Teddy bear I love you.
There are so many variations to this fun rhyme. It’s full of action too.
Things to do
- act out being the teddy. Can your preschooler do the same things ( follow directions)
- Can they get their teddy bear to do it
- Can they sing the song and you do it.
- Try further verses of Teddy bear teddy bear.
- Try skipping and singing the song. Older children maybe able to skip and perform the actions.
- Try a teddy bear picnic with food and furry friends.
- Read some stories with other bears in like Goldilocks and the three bears
- Count how many bears in the house?
- Act out a story
- Make up a story together. Some children need a little encouragement to start. If you begin the story and leave gaps for them to an. You can ususally find they take over the story pretty quickly. A fuller explanation of scaffolding
- We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
Why didn’t we do a craft?
There are lots of craft related activities with Nursery Rhymes. Today the focus is on encouraging pretend play; joining in with your little ones and extending their pretend play.
What I hoped he learnt
- to follow directions
- take turns
- learn a new song
- get their teddy to do things they want ( manipulate their environment according to their story)
- experiment with making up new directions
- Make up a story or react a story with the teddy bears or act out a scene using the teddy bears.
Come join in Monday 17th August
What Nursery Rhyme will you choose?