I’m excited to share that I have an article over at Relax magazine all about Savvy Summer Fun. There are lots of other great articles about parenting in this print and online magazine. Check out the old shoe activity……we all have one of those lying around.
With Summer it doesn’t tend to happen as much but Autumn isn’t far away and the dreaded Halloween/Christmas presents starts. How do we raising our kids in this commercialized world? Who are the CCFC? and how can limit the pester power?
Raising Playful Tots is an Internet radio or Podcast available 24hrs a day . Host: Melitsa Avila of Play Activities. Download each episode yourself visit each show notes to do this or have iTunes do this automatically for you.
Week 30th May 2010: Campaign for a commercialized free childhood ( CCFC) with Josh Golin. Josh is the associate director of the CCFC and shares some amazing facts, studies and inspiration to sharpen our awareness of Media and Marketing to your kids.
Keep up to date with new show by signing up for the newsletter. When you sign up for the newsletter you get a free 11 page special report 10 ways to extend your child’s play. New show on Wednesday!