Okay, that’s it! No more screens for you today!
Common cry in many of our homes. Followed by lots of tantrums from them and long exhale from us!
While out shopping with the family during the recent Spring break and Easter we noticed a very young child in a stroller playing on an iPad.
We think she was around 2 to 3 years old but we don’t know.
We don’t know the family or her. She strolled past us head down and because of where we were we could see them for about 3 minutes. Long enough for this observation.
My husband and I started to notice other children in strollers heads down and on devices. Partly noticing for the first time because our children aren’t so little anymore and were walking near us instead of us as usual keeping them out of everyone’s way. Do you do that too?
When a family of 5 move through a shopping area you can’t fan out in a row. I think we usually are watching out that they are not bumping into people as their busy looking at something and still moving, dancing and skipping and falling towards that precious item. This time we actually could walk and look about. 🙂
Once you spot something you start to see it everywhere.
Apps, devices, media and screens are everywhere. There seems to be a few camps about media and screen use for the under 5s. Many people get quite heated all the way to meh?!?
When there are older siblings this further complicates everything!
We hear all sorts of things but have you really looked into media and screens for your family? Have you made decisions based on feelings or pressure that you’re now a little unsure about?
Have you explored the reasons why screens may help and when?
How about when they don’t and why you shouldn’t?
Here on Raising Playful Tots we have interviews that share information about screens so you can make up your own mind and start with a policy for your family on media and screens. Screens are here to stay- we’re having a conversation about them and want to hear your views too!
Click the links below to go to the page to listen to each episode
Raising Playful Tots show #21 Tessy and Tab + Screen free week
Raising Playful Tots show 27: Inspired to live a commercial free childhood
90. How do you divide your time between work that has to get done and playing with your child?
105 Emotional intelligence- Emotional Literacy- Your baby can read
111 UnPlugged Play and Creativity
113 – Preschool magazine- Alphablocks
114 Audio and Podcast recommendations with Kara Fleck
Solving Screen time woes and suggestions