Childhood is full of those little moments; simple parenting moments.
When you are curled up on the couch together. Watching them tongue out creating their masterpiece swirly art picture… That look they give when they see or experience something for the first time.
This year the focus in our home on the blog is about slow parenting, simple parenting and play. I found it easy last year to say I needed to slow down but really needed to build moments of stillness, pause and opportunities in that space too.
With a new updated phone ( Wahoo!) I’ve just begun using Instagram and have loved peeking into everyone’s lives and seeing how daily life looks with people all around the world. It’s both fascinating and inspiring. The community welcoming and supportive with their comments. I especially love the simple activities and moments people capture where you get a glimpse of their lives.
Seeing these small moments energizes when I need the motivation and encourages when I’ve stumbled.
Loving the photo support as we go slow.
So I had an idea.
What would happen if you shared one photo sharing your slow parenting:: Simple parenting (sp::sp) moment from the week? I think we would feel so much more encouraged in our slow and simple parenting.
Here’s how we will play
You can add your slow parenting:: simple parenting picture to either
- Instagram using the hashtag #simpleparenting OR
- G+ using the hashtag #simpleparenting
Adding the hashtag #simpleparenting to your entry will make it easier for people to find you easily.
- Simple parenting moments
- unposed and snapshots if at all possible
- Moments of calm and slowness for you.
- Chance to be creative with materials, angles, lighting, position and place.
That’s it for now. Maybe we’ll add more community guidelines as we go. Feel free to join our G+ Community slow parenting :: simple parenting as we share and discuss ways to have fun this year slowly with purpose.
Your blog post comes as a happy coincidence. My sister & I were just talking about this very subject. Everyone is always on the go, never really slowing down to enjoy the simple pleasures. Which is why she & I have made a point to “unplug” on the weekend and spend that time bonding with her two boys. Whether it be hanging out at home baking cookies or building forts, taking hikes or going to the museum. Their childhood years are special and special time spent with them helps mold their character as they develope.
Sometimes you have to make the point and do it yourself. Totally agree. I’m just shifting my focus. How did your trip go?
Hi Mel!
This is a great idea. Children are so good at taking things slow — mine are always happy to dilly-dally over their meals, saunter on walks, and lolligag in the bath. But us grown-ups, we’re the ones with agenda and other obligations that can make it hard to be present or savor the moment. And it’s helpful to step back from whatever we may be distracted by to notice and appreciate what’s right in front of us.
Pausing and noticing. Our camera’s have really helped us to do this more as they are with us all the time now. With this focus I think we get to make some fantastic changes to our families naturally.
Kids concept of time and ours is often the rub….
This is such a fun idea. I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone shares, and get more ideas for ways to slow down and simplify.